Blockchain-Based Betting Platform Augur Now Features 'Assassination Markets'

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So-called "Assassination markets" have now popped up on blockchain event betting platform Augur, Mashable media outlet reported July 24.

Users are now betting on when certain public figures will die.

Created by the non-profit Forecast Foundation, Augur launched its Ethereum mainnet-powered predictions platform on July 9, according to Fortune.

On the platform, users can make a prediction about the outcome of any event.

If a user believes the outcome will happen, they buy shares with ETH. If a user believes the event will not occur, they can short the bet by selling shares.

Users have recently posted bets on Augur regarding the deaths of a number of public figures, such as the U.S. president Donald Trump and CEO at Berkshire Hathaway Warren Buffett.

The bet "Will Donald Trump be killed at any point during 2018," has acquired 50.3 shares as of July 23.

To ensure that a bet is settled properly, Augur has created a system of "Reporters" who state the truthful outcome of a posited event.

Reporters are essentially holders of Augur's own REP token.

In order to report an event, users must stake REP on an event's correct outcome to receive any of the settlement fees.
